Loss of milk teeth: what causes it?

Dental service in Houston


A child's baby teeth or primary teeth usually begin to loosen and fall out to make room for permanent teeth around age 6. However, this can sometimes take up to a year.

Why do we have baby teeth?

These primary teeth act as position markers, creating space in the jawbone for future permanent teeth. That is their main function and that is why, when they start to fall out, they tend to follow a priority to make way for the permanent teeth.

In what order do milk teeth fall out?

The first milk teeth that usually fall follow this order, although it does not always have to be the same:


The two lower frontals (the lower central incisors) and the two upper frontals (the upper central incisors).

Lateral incisors.

The first molars.

The canines.

Second molars: These last teeth usually fall out between 10 and 12 years of age.

As the child grows, their jaws also grow to accommodate the larger permanent teeth. By the time the child turns 13, he should have complete permanent dentition.

When a permanent tooth is ready to erupt, the root of the milk tooth begins to dissolve until it is completely gone. At that point, the tooth is loose and is only held in place by the surrounding gum tissue.

For some children, tooth loss can be an exciting time, especially when you think about the arrival of the Tooth Fairy. For others, it can be a bit annoying.

What to do when a milk tooth falls out?

It is not uncommon for children to experience some pain or discomfort when they lose a tooth. After the fall of a milk tooth we can follow these indications:


Rinses with a simple saltwater solution to help clean gums.

Use gauze to help cover the area and thus stop possible bleeding.

Do not spit, as this can increase bleeding.

Apply a cold, damp cloth to the area if you feel pain or discomfort.

Temporary teeth usually stay in place until the permanent teeth push them out. If a child loses a baby tooth early as a result of decay or an accident, it is possible for the permanent tooth to shift into the empty space, which can crowd the permanent teeth and cause them to come in crooked.

Losing primary teeth too soon can cause serious occlusion problems to develop if left untreated. Losing a milk tooth before the age of 3 or 4 is cause for concern.

Premature loss of deciduous teeth: why is it a problem?

The answer has to do with permanent teeth. Normally, the baby teeth act as guides to help the permanent teeth come in in a healthy alignment. This can disrupt not only the eruption of the permanent tooth, but also that of nearby teeth, leading to serious alignment problems. If left untreated, it may end up requiring extensive orthodontic treatment.

Consequently, it is always a good idea to schedule a visit to the dentist if the child loses a milk tooth before the age of 4. The problem can be addressed by using a space maintainer to keep the empty space open for the underlying permanent tooth to erupt into position. It will also allow the dentist to monitor the child's dental development so that everything progresses normally.


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Source: adeslasdental

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